Tiba2 client yg terhubung ke wlan menggunakan wifi-usb dlink dwl-g122 tidak bisa connect atau mendapatkan ip address dari access point terdekat.
Saat di restart muncul error spt berikut :
AirGCFG.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point apsGetInterfaceCount could not be located in the dynamic link library wlanapi.dll
WZCSLDR2.exe - Entry Point Not Found
The procedure entry point apsInitialize could not be located in the dynamic link library wlanapi.dll
Setelah setengah hari tanya2 sama paman google, didapat :
<u>sumber masalah :</u>
-driver dlink belum compatible dgn update ms yg baru
-driver dlink belum compatible dgn ms sp3
solusi :</u></b>
1. reinstall aplikasi d-link utility terpasang
2. download driver terbaru dari :
3. extract dan jalankan setup hasil download
4. restart